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Showing posts from April, 2013

ApRiL, 29th 2013

Thank you Lord for another year… For all the blessings you showered upon me. For my family who support me in everything i do, who shape me to become a better person… My friends who always there for me thru ups and down… Thanks for this wonderful day! ♥

I'll be waiting for you’s life...??? I miss to have you around... Long time no see ^^ Would you hear a little about my candy love story.. :D I just tell this story to you.....dragonflies ^^ So just come over me.....heheee... Well,   tHe story just began a view days agoo...(still   1st chapter   )
Dragonfly .... what are you doing now  ?? I'm a  little daisy.. When the sun comes up And the rain comes down I'm gonna grow, grow, grow- up from the ground!

Story of the dRagonfLies

The Dragonfly Story   Down below the surface of a quiet pond lived a little colony of water bugs. They were a happy colony, living far away from the sun. For many months they were very busy, scurrying over the soft mud on the bottom of the pond. They did notice that every once in awhile one of their colony seemed to lose interest in going about. Clinging to the stem of a pond lily it gradually moved out of sight and was seen no more.

_ d DragonFLies_

ApRiL 24th DragonfLies,, where are you when a rainy day like this afternoon..... ?? I love to see dragonfLies ^^ Inspired by the dragonflies dragonfLies symbolizes Dreams, CHange and Enlightenment .... DragonfLies with their sHort lives teacH us to live one day at a time, Not Looking bacK on tHe past with sadness or impatiently awaiting the future...

chocholate luv

The Winner ^0^

Suatu ketika, ada seorang anak yang sedang mengikuti sebuah lomba mobil balap mainan. Suasana sungguh meriah pagi itu, sebab ini adalah babak final. Hanya tersisa 4 orang sekarang dan mereka memamerkan setiap mobil mainan yang dimiliki. Semuanya buatan sendiri, sebab  memang begitulah peraturannya.         Ada seorang anak bernama Marck. Mobilnya tak istimewa, namun Ia termasuk  dalam 4 anak yang masuk final. Dibanding semua tandingannya mobil Marck lah yang paling tak sempurna. Beberapa anak menyangsikan kekuatan mobil itu untuk berpacu melawan  mobil lainnya.

Lesson today

 I I realized that I was a person who easily gets jealous,,  
when I feel upset or sad.... I start to think about all things I love..and that work.. that could drive away my sadness  I love anime and manga..

Le fort est ma force

it's monday morning I was overslept tonight and didn't finish my report yet... sure, I fall into the luxury of being stressed with this >w< here is my inspiration today I was so inspirated with one of the Korean Drama "Alice in CheongDamDong" In that Drama, the main character named Han Se Kyung . this drama talk about a girl , Han Se Kyung , who always takes first place during high school and received many awards as a designer . Its motto is trying hard ( Le' fort esT Ma Force ) .

Here is my Environtment

This is mE and wHere I was..

a litle bit about me

 annyeong haseyo ^o^ saat ini umurku akan menjelang 20th....,, melepas masa teen-ager hehee... :) waktu bagai terbang....,aku mengingat rasanya baru kemarin aku menginjakkan kaki di sekolah menengah pertama lalu sekolah menengah atas.....dan kini aku telah menjadi seorang mahasiswi di salah satu perguruan tinggi swasta di kota tempat aku berpijak. diriku dan lingkunganku.

A willing to write

 ""If you want to write, you have to read. My suggestion is to read everything and anything. William Faulkner said you can learn from even bad writing. And Hunter S. Thompson used to write out pages from novels he liked to get the feeling of flow and pace. Read, read, read!"_Cara Lockwood  saya merasa tidak memiliki bakat menulis....,juga tidak memiliki basic pengetahuan tentang tulis-menulis, pengetahuan saya tentang sastra juga sangat minim.. namun akhir-akhir ini saya mulai menyukai menulis,, menulis tentang diriku, hal- hal yang aku sukai, tentang jendela kehidupanku. saya pernah berangan-angan suatu hari dapat menjadi seorang penulis yang baik dan menarik ^_^ salah satu tokoh penulis idola saya adalah C.S Lewis dan Winna Efendi :)

Me_myself_time little name is lala ^^