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MemorabLe study tour^^

          do you ever watch Korean dramas "Memory in bali" ? hahaaa .... 
 well, I think I also have something to remember about memory in bali >____<

well, this was just a memory of a piece of the part of my life that I'd spent with my friends in high school at Catholic Senior High School Makale in August 2010.
I missed this time....,missed the people...pLace and space heheee... ^_^
This is one of  my memorable N enjoyable experience.

wisH I could visiting the Dewata island with AmoCI and smoecham  08,.....again :) .

August, 7th'10 touR to BaLi with Smoecham_08

 Visiting Balinese people struggle monument_            Bajrasandi

 with amoci_mbak dishy-kk tuLank_Na-Ta_rony
maskuLin_soBe_and me ^^         


In d afternoon, we Visited Sanur BeacH and we              were Kano-eing ckckkkk,,.....^^
                  that's so funn !!  ------------->

tHe next day........................................................^_____________^ KUTA BeacH ^________^

--------- Narsis mode ON with Arsianti ^^
weLL,  there was many foreign tourists who were sunbathing and surfing. and at that time, we practice our English knowledge by took a communication with the tourist and took some pictures with them h heheee
Dream Land,....
Beautiful pLace ^__* 
Ubud____Bali traditional dance !##

WitH my cousin__kk ivaN ^^


For those of you who've ever been to Bali, certainly no stranger to hear the word JOGER. Yes, one of the centers for souvenirs or shopping attractions in Bali is indeed unique. Joger is one of the shopping attractions that must be visited if you are in Bali..... ^^
Joger jelek___Bali bagus

       Batu Bolong.....Tanah Lot

With my Lovely friend_Eka (Fbg ^_____^)

Tanah Lot 'is a tourist attraction in Bali, Indonesia. Here there are two temples are situated on top of a large rock. One is located above the boulder and the other located on a cliff similar to the Uluwatu Temple. Pura Tanah Lot temple is part of Dang heaven. Pura Tanah Lot sea temple is a place of worship the gods guard the sea

ON sunDaY we went to worship Lord in the cathedral church Palasari bali

                                   witH my lovely friend_Tistha, Krisna_and Detry ^^

Kintamani MountaiN ^^_________ ^^

Kintamani one tourist attraction in Bali, which has the cool mountain air with a panoramic view of Mount Batur and beautiful lake. The most pavorit here is Penelokan village of Kintamani district, the village is situated on the edge of Mount Batur is the most beautiful place to see the view of Mount Batur and its lake. From where ketiinngian see Mount Batur sensation that sometimes mengeluarka smoke, because the activists are still classified and keindahanan crescent lake at the foot of the mountain.
                                                                                Tanjung Benoa......
 Tanjung Benoa Bali is a tourist spot famous for its beaches. This place is also a means of water such as banana boat rides, scuba diving, surfing, etc.. In addition, there is a cruise to the island where turtles live turtle, snake, Bali starlings, and so on........hehee, at there we visited Pulau Penyu heheee ^^

we also visited BeduguL
Lake Beratan - Bedugul, Bali, is a place in Bali which is located in a mountainous area that has the atmosphere cool and comfortable,here you will be treated to views of the natural beauty of the lake and Ulun Danu Beratan, located in the village of Candi Kuning, Baturiti Tabanan.

 Traveled to the mountainous regions such as in Bedugul you will find many merchants selling strawberries. heheee

weLL.......Thats our study tour to BaLi, we aLso visited Foursma Bali (SMAN 4 Denpasar). That's really an enjoyable and memorable tour, I still remember when our headmaster's dentures, lost to the waves while swimming in dreamLand beach wkwkkkkk..... :D >___<                                               at Last, but not Least hehee


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