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Momo and Pipo

Tuesday, 20th May

a couple days ago I and my friend devy decided to have some fishes,...
and here is my fish, I named them "Pippo" and "Momo"^^
Actualy there was one more named "Pii"
The orange one is koi fish, I named him "Pii" but I just know recently that koi fish need a special maintanance for life, he need a larger place and need such a O2 bubble like in d aquarium for living..., but unfortunately this is  de 1st time for me, so I haven't know anything yet...and at the following day...I just found, my Pii is gone away......hikss....hikss... T_T

How beautiful  they are ^^
Pippo is a little bit agressive,....and naughty hohoo...
Hey, both of sweety Pipo and Momo, stay alive,....have a long life.......
Let's pass day by day with me hehee..
Enjoy ur new home^^


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