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Showing posts from June, 2013

Remove tHe Thorn

Menyingkirkan Duri Kita berbuat baik tentunya bukan untuk mengharapkan sesuatu. Karena kita sadar itulah peran yang harus kita mainkan. Adalah kewajiban kita untuk menyingkirkan duri di jalan yang sedang kita lalui, bukan saja agar tak melukai diri kita, namun untuk menjaga para pejalan lain.

Forgive b'coz I deserve peace

 #Mad.......#Forgive.....#Healing......# Peace ^_^ "Forgive is not something we do for others,   we do it for ourself, get well and move forward "

SimpLe LovE

Pengertian Cinta di Mata Anak-Anak  

Mama sayang..

Mama sayang....                                                      Mom,                              You make the world a better place to live in,              a place full of happiness and joy by simply                       spreading out your immense love and care.                               Thanks for everything Mom. Happy b’day mama sayang {} <3

Spread LovE

"Spread love everywhere you go. Let no one ever come to you without leaving happier." _Mother Theresa

Cermin Positif

  Mengkritik itu mudah, karena melihat kesalahan orang lain itu gampang. Namun kritik yang didasari oleh mencari-cari kesalahan orang lain tak mungkin dapat mempermudah keadaan.Anda tak perlu menghabiskan waktu dan tenaga anda untuk menilai apakah orang lain telah berbuat salah atau benar.Karena itu sangat mudah!

Love U at D wrong time

    Letting go of someone we once loved is never easy... In fact it break me down and cause me a lot of pain,... But I believe letting go is not really the end of love;  it is only the beginning of a greater love.....

The NaiLs and the litlle boy

I forgive you, my friend :) Just a few days ago , I was   misunderstanding with my friend   and my friend mad at me then shesaid the words that hurt me ,.....  I was so sad to hear that.......!! hiksss..... T^T  then the next day she was sorry and ask an apologize to me... then  I told her to read the story about "The nails and a little boy " I wisH that both of my friend and also I could learn from our experience :)