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The Almost Forgotten Blog

Its January 30th, 2018 I've almost forgotten if this blog still exist. It's been 3 years exactly since the last time I posted in this blog. Woww......It's been a long time yeah :D I'm pretty happy read my older post and look back at the memories. This is a personal blog that I use for write the things down rooted in my personal experiences. 4 Years ago I considered making this blog so I could learn to write. yeah write down whatever...putting my thoughts, emotions or sharing my dreams, my experiences. Actualy I had difficulty writing in English, well, so I will continue in Indonesian. Saya bukan seorang penulis, saya bahkan tidak begitu senang menulis dan membaca hehee... tapi saya pernah (tepatnya masih) bercita- cita suatu saat saya bisa menulis buku yang dapat bermanfaat, menguatkan dan menginspirasi orang lain. Saya membuat blog ini awalnya dengan tujuan belajar menulis, merangkai kata, dan berlatih bahasa Inggris. Saya menyenangi bahasa Inggris tetapi buntu ji
Recent posts

Story of us_Taylor swift

The story of Us_by Taylor swift                                                                                                                                                                                              Well this song sounds like tells about what happened to me right now. I didn't really know when was this all started, and this misscomunication happened!!! and my pride was too high to asking you.......I've try to pretend but damn I never though that I miss you this much......    This is looking like a contest, Of who can act like they care less..... I'd tell you I miss you but I don't know how                       I used to think one day we'd tell the story of us, How we met and the sparks flew instantly, People would say, "They're the lucky ones." I used to know my place was a spot next to you, Now I'm searching the room for an empty seat, 'Cause lately I don't even know what page you're on. Oh, a simp

Graduation day

Hari ini saya menghadiri rangkaian acara wisuda kakak tingkat Stifa di Grand clarion hotel, saya turut berpartisipasi menjadi pengisi acara sebagai pengiring senat  :) ini foto bersama teman2 pengiring senat waktu gladi resik sehari sebelum acara wisuda :) Melihat wajah kakak2 yang begitu bahagia, ingin rasanya sy juga cepat2 berada di atas panggung  menjabat tangan para dosen, mengenakan jubah dan toga sebagai simbol bahwa saya telah berhasil melalui jenjang pendidikan S1 farmasi. Meskipun saat ini mindset sy sudah berubah, dan sy tidak memiliki keinginan untuk melanjutkan pendidikan farmasi ke jenjang yg lebih tinggi maupun bergelut di bidang farmasi, tetapi sy melihat semangat yang ada pada kakak2 wisudawan hari ini dan sayapun ingin membuat bangga almamater, dan suatu hari sy dapat memberi kontribusi positif untuk almamater, meskipun pencapaian itu bukan dari bidang farmasi. Berpisah dengan teman2 seangkatan kemudian berjuang untuk menggapai mimpi2 yg dimiliki. Tiba

Our December in d RaiN !

    Just   a couple month ago I wonder ed   when will rainy day comes :D Right now,.....It’s already come....cloudy day, and yah it’s rain   everyday hehe In a rainy day like this it seems like I don’t wanna going anywhere Just staying at home...cover myself with a warm sweter and clothes, Have a cup of warm tea or coffee..or   sarabba The winds blow.....oooh so cold, and makes me unwilling to take a bath hoho, (cause’ we dont have warm water in our bath -__-   !   :D ) Pokoknya di hari hujan seperti ini pengennya di rumah saja, minum minuman hangat,   ngumpul2, bercanda dgn orang2 d rumah..dan lagi hal yang buat saya enggan untuk bepergiaan   di saat seperti ini karena sering terjadi kemacetan di jalan, jalan yg becek...belum lagi kalo keciprat   air yang dilintasi sm mobil, air tergenang....sepatu   jadi basah, bau kaos kaki lembab, lantai koridor yg kotor... banyak hal2 yang membuat sy merasa tidak nyaman......   -___- But in other hands,   about rain..

Crush on

to : someone This quite crazy...yeah this feeling !! I've tried to hide it. Never though before I'll falling for you,  never though I'll like you this much and baby I think I lost my mind.  Not a day pass me by without thinking of you. I wanna see you everyday cause my life is sweeter when you're around.  your simple greeting makes my day. so here I'm, I'm here to love you. So I couldn't pretend anymore and before its too late, I just can't keep it all inside anymore and so that there's nothing to regret. I let you know about my feeling even though others might judge me fool for falling for this one. Nice to see you, nice to hangin' out with you, thank, you still belong to me even I've reject you once and maybe right now the second time, I just feel like I'm not ready yet for a relationship. I was sorry for that.

Just Listening to the radio

Hi ....,what time is it anyway ? Midnight..,you ought to go to bed !!! Jam saya menujukan pukul 2:10 am (sebenarnya jamnya sudah saya percepat 20 menit :D) saya masih terjaga, bukan karena insomnia bukan juga karna terbiasa begadang tapi karena saya sudah tidur 1 setengah jam, lalu terbangun dan imbasnya sampai sekarang belum ada tanda2 kantuk kembali -__- berhubung tak ada tugas maka pelarian saya browsing internet, sambil dengarin radio. Sebulan terakhir ini saya jadi sering mendengarkan radio (emang sebelumnya jarang dengarin radio ? _ya, jarang banget......itu adalah suatu hal yg langkah O_o !!! koq bisa ?_ karna sebelumnya saya statusnya sebagai anak kos-kossan yg tak punya radio dan untuk dengarin radio via hp rasanya saya sedikit kurang nyaman dgn kualitas suara yg tdk cukup baik. well, nampaknya ini sudah seperti interview monolog. Sudah 2 bulan status anak kossan berubah jadi anak rumahan karna sekarang tinggal di rumah tante. Di rumah kami sering dengar radio bersama,

Learn Eng# 3..maybe d LasT

well, It's been take two month when I wrote my last post.. Its quite embarrassing, my little eng learning group doesn't show any improvement.....!!  x_x still stuck in that starting point, and my group no longer exist hoo hoo.. yeah I know, the barrier is in me.. I wasn't consistent lead them to learn...and I've been so busy with my college tasks, especially this is my last year.....and it took a couple time for me to get rid of them, actually...that's not over yet....even this just a beginning, and my time management seems so poor.. It seems I more enjoy to learn by listening to the music, singapore radio...hoT fm, reading book....or something else...,further more, ade, rio and Lia different in age and stage to understand, so it's challenging for me. I can't continue this, I need to focus in my study first...., maybe I'll looking for other alternative....or continue it in another time. forgive me aunty, this might dissapoint you -