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Showing posts from January, 2018

The Almost Forgotten Blog

Its January 30th, 2018 I've almost forgotten if this blog still exist. It's been 3 years exactly since the last time I posted in this blog. Woww......It's been a long time yeah :D I'm pretty happy read my older post and look back at the memories. This is a personal blog that I use for write the things down rooted in my personal experiences. 4 Years ago I considered making this blog so I could learn to write. yeah write down whatever...putting my thoughts, emotions or sharing my dreams, my experiences. Actualy I had difficulty writing in English, well, so I will continue in Indonesian. Saya bukan seorang penulis, saya bahkan tidak begitu senang menulis dan membaca hehee... tapi saya pernah (tepatnya masih) bercita- cita suatu saat saya bisa menulis buku yang dapat bermanfaat, menguatkan dan menginspirasi orang lain. Saya membuat blog ini awalnya dengan tujuan belajar menulis, merangkai kata, dan berlatih bahasa Inggris. Saya menyenangi bahasa Inggris tetapi buntu ji